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10 Most Transformational Test Results from Haus
- Gain free access to the most surprising and transformational incrementality tests.
- Discover how the tests were set up and how each brand leveraged the results.
- Get inspired by test designs and the types of insights experimentation can unlock.
Optimizing billions in ad spend for the world's top companies
Why Test?
- In-platform signals miss the full picture.
- Reported conversions are often double-counted across platforms, leading to overstatement of credit.
- There is a bias toward click-heavy channels and against view-heavy channels.
Navigate growth with a reliable compass
Less accurate
More accurate
Powered by Clicks
- Limited by privacy changes
- Can’t measure offline
- Undervalues upper funnel
Powered by Correlation
- Depends on outdated data
- Lacks frequency and granularity
- Time and cost intensive
Powered by Causality
- Test/Control methodology
- Based on actual sales data
- Fast and actionable